Masumi KLEIN
Qualified and experienced
interpreter in Switzerland
Here is what my clients say about me:
"Masumi worked for me as an Interpreter for a three-week educational programme and was excellent. Hugely supportive to the delegates and to myself as the Tutor; the programme success was based on her ability to share information accurately and effectively in a way that enabled the delegates to absorb and understand and she did this consistently, professionally and with a great positive attitude. A dream to work with!"
Rosemary Albone
Development Consultant, Leadership Coach, Early Years Specialist
"I first met and worked with Masumi at the FOODEX 2004 food show in Chiba, Japan. She translated fig information written in English to potential Japanese buyers. She familiarized herself with the information given and within a short period of time became an "expert" in fig facts. We have worked together several times since. Masumi is very intelligent, extremely personable and exceptionally hard working. In addition to highly recommending Masumi to potential clients, I am fortunate to count her as a close friend."
Mike Emigh
Former CEO, now an Advisor at Valley Fig Growers
"Masumi is a great interpreter. She has helped me during countless interviews and she has also helped me out with written translation. She is very quick, reliable and enthusiastic. Masumi takes great interest in meeting new people and delving into any number of topics. She is a delight to work with and I would highly recommend her to anyone. "
Amanda Kaiser
Former WWD Asian Editor
"Masumi is highly competent, motivated and great fun to work with. Her level of English is excellent and her varied experience means that she adapts quickly to new challenges."
Julia Mills
Senior Director, Investment, UK & Europe
クラインさんには、2014年の国連人権規約委員会の取材において通訳・取材コーディネートをお願いしました。(2014年8月、全国のテレビ朝日系列にて放送) クラインさんは、専門用語が飛び交う委員会の中でもスムーズに同時通訳をしていただいたほか、素材おこし(タイムコードごと丁寧に和訳)も早く、限られた渡航期間の中で全ての通訳・和訳業務を完遂していただきました。 また、コーディネーター力も長けていらっしゃり、国連人権規約委員会に対して粘り強く取材交渉をしていただき、委員会のひとりから特別に時間をいただき、インタビューさせていただきました。インタビュー時の質問・回答・通訳の「間」も、うまく取っていただきました。ぴりっとした緊張感のある現場ではありましたが、クラインさんの気配りは細かく、時にはお人柄にホッとする瞬間もありました。何よりも、一緒にいていただいて非常に心強く感じた次第です。また海外取材の機会に恵まれた際にはお仕事をお願いしたく、クラインさんを大いに推薦させていただきます。
静岡朝日テレビ 鈴木様